The NAPLEX Content Outline:  A Forward-Focused Format Change

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists, Pharmacy Education and Examinations

A woman looking at NAPLEX competency statements.

NABP exams are designed and built using an exam blueprint, which provides the content areas and the approximate number of questions for each content area that will be asked on the exam. NABP uses the exam blueprint to develop exams, and external stakeholders such as prospective examinees, colleges of pharmacy, state boards of pharmacy, and the […]

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Tips to Successfully Schedule Your Pharmacist Licensure Exams

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

Scheduling on a calendar

When you’re studying to take a pharmacy exam like the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination® (NAPLEX®) or the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination® (MPJE®), the last thing on your mind might be scheduling your testing appointment, but the process is more nuanced than you might think. In this blog post, I will discuss the main components […]

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Give Pharmacy Students the NAPLEX Advantage

Posted by in Boards of Pharmacy and NABP, Pharmacy Education and Examinations

Students watch a webinar together.

Now available to purchase by colleges of pharmacy, NAPLEX AdvantageTM is a new service developed to help schools prepare students and assess their readiness to take the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). NAPLEX Advantage includes 3 key features and an experience that can be customized by each school to meet its unique needs.  NAPLEX […]

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Test Scores Have Been Falling. COVID-19 Is Just One Reason.  

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

Image of two students studying for an exam

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on the day-to-day lives of nearly all Americans, including students. An ongoing decline in nationwide test scores at all academic levels – from students in K-12 schools to graduates of professional doctoral programs – has largely been attributed to the challenges related to remote learning at the […]

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No Need to ‘Check Your List Twice’ with CPE Monitor’s Enhanced Features 

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists, Pharmacy Education and Examinations

People monitoring and tracking their CPE Monitor

For many pharmacists this month, “making a list and checking it twice” applies to more than just holiday gifts. Licenses are set to renew by December 31 in 17 states, meaning many pharmacists are also keeping lists of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) requirements. NABP’s CPE Monitor service can help, and the Plus plan is especially […]

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Why Pharmacy Law Knowledge is Essential to Patient Safety

Posted by in Consumer Protection, Pharmacy Education and Examinations

Person gaining knowledge by reading, researching, and using the internet to learn.

Of the examinations that NABP offers to gauge candidates’ readiness for pharmacy practice, the MPJE is the only one that assesses knowledge of state and federal laws and the ability to apply that knowledge in practice. We’ve heard of a misperception that a number of states are considering eliminating or have eliminated jurisprudence examinations for […]

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