Now available to purchase by colleges of pharmacy, NAPLEX AdvantageTM is a new service developed to help schools prepare students and assess their readiness to take the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). NAPLEX Advantage includes 3 key features and an experience that can be customized by each school to meet its unique needs. 

NAPLEX Advantage Key Features

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The schools and each respective student who completes the NAPLEX Advantage will receive individual student performance reports including overall scaled scores as well as a breakdown of performance across each NAPLEX competency area, helping students identify where to focus their future studies. Students will receive a performance report for both pass and fail results. Students will receive exam results approximately 24 hours after taking the NAPLEX Advantage practice exam and can access them through NABP e-Profile. Schools will also receive an aggregate school report for all their students.

All the NAPLEX Advantage test questions have been utilized on past versions of the NAPLEX exams but are not included in any stand-alone Pre-NAPLEX practice tests. These test items are exclusive to the NAPLEX Advantage practice exam. This ensures that test items remain timely and clinically relevant to help students get a real feel for the actual NAPLEX experience. Further, this provides even more opportunity for students to prepare for the exam, as they will encounter different items on the Pre-NAPLEX practice exam, giving students even more practice.

NAPLEX Advantage provides students with a testing experience similar to the actual high stakes exam day. The NAPLEX Advantage practice exam is designed to be delivered on the school’s campus in a proctored, closed, and secured testing environment as arranged by school staff to best fit the school’s schedule.

Administering NAPLEX Advantage 

NAPLEX Advantage can be utilized for students in any professional pharmacy year (P1 to P4) so colleges can monitor trends as a cohort progresses through the curriculum. Schools will receive aggregate data for each of their student cohorts that complete the NAPLEX Advantage. The data is intended to help school administrators evaluate trends and general student readiness related to competency areas of the NAPLEX blueprint as they assist the student cohort in preparing for the NAPLEX. 

Practice Exam Resources  

NAPLEX Advantage is only available for purchase by colleges of pharmacy; it is not available for purchase by individual students. For schools interested in providing NAPLEX Advantage to their students, more information about how to order and administer NAPLEX Advantage can be found in the Administrator Tools section of the website. The Pre-NAPLEX continues to be an affordable, helpful resource for students to prepare for the NAPLEX. Colleges can purchase vouchers to provide additional practice opportunities for their students. Or students can purchase the Pre-NAPLEX directly through NABP e-Profile. 

This blog was adapted from an article that originally appeared in the January 2024 issue of Innovations.