Community Pharmacy

Demonstrate the success of your pharmacy’s outcomes-based patient care programs and services with our Community Pharmacy Accreditation.

NABP’s Community Pharmacy Accreditation is a three-year accreditation that is best suited for community pharmacies providing an advanced level of patient care services, quality, and safety, that are looking to demonstrate compliance to a comprehensive set of practice standards and exhibit consistency in delivering optimal patient care programs and services.

Whether NABP Accreditation is new for your business, or you are already NABP accredited and are looking to expand your portfolio, our processes simplify your journey toward Community Pharmacy Accreditation.

Bundle Accreditations to Maximize Your Investment

Apply for Community Pharmacy Accreditation as a stand-alone program or maximize your investment by creating a comprehensive compliance package for one streamlined, cost-effective accreditation process.

Box opening up with three spinning stars coming out

Achieving NABP Community Pharmacy Accreditation demonstrates your commitment to:

Red icon showing a heart floating in hand to demonstrate patient care.

Patient Care Services

Icon showing a clipboard meeting the requirements of clinical management

Clinical Management

Icon of paper and a gavel to demonstrate regulatory compliance is achieved

Regulatory Compliance


To apply for an NABP accreditation, you must meet and maintain basic eligibility requirements. Review the Community Pharmacy Accreditation eligibility requirements below to determine if you are qualified to apply.

Accreditation Standards Overview

The Community Pharmacy Accreditation Standards Overview provides a brief introduction to the set of required pharmacy standards to achieve accreditation.