Promoting Pharmacist Well-Being and Patient Safety with Just Culture Approach 

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists

Image of a group of people conducting research

In high-stakes environments such as pharmacies, where dangerous or even deadly medication errors can occur, the need for a culture of safety has become increasingly apparent. At the same time, burnout and working conditions are causing many pharmacists and technicians to leave the profession at an alarming rate, contributing to a shortage of qualified pharmacy […]

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The 4 Biggest Hurdles to DSCSA Compliance

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists

Image of a group of people hopping over track hurdles

As the DSCSA interoperability deadline approaches, we at NABP remain focused on critical Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) infrastructure and committed to helping align all sectors of the supply chain that support and provide safe medication to patients in the United States. This is the first blog of a series that explores steps we […]

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CPE Monitor Streamlines Louisiana Renewals

Posted by in Boards of Pharmacy and NABP, Pharmacies and Pharmacists

Analysts looking at a report on their computer.

The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy now uses our CPE Monitor service to automatically audit pharmacists’ continuing education records during the license renewal process – and starting in May, the Board will use it for pharmacy technicians’ records as well.  Since the program began in 2011, our strong relationship with the boards of pharmacy has enabled […]

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Latest Inspection Program Helps New Facilities Start on Solid Footing

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists

Image of man inspecting pharmacy supplies

Starting or expanding a business can be complex but starting a pharmacy or another health care facility has its own set of challenges. Owners must consider pharmacy and medical licenses, registrations, and other regulations in addition to typical business-related building and zoning permits. Those who are new to the process sometimes unintentionally overlook security protocols […]

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Ensuring Compliance, Catching Fraud: A Regular Day on the Job for Kansas Board Inspector

Posted by in Boards of Pharmacy and NABP, Pharmacies and Pharmacists

Portrait photo of Jim Kinderknecht

Inspectors and investigators are the eyes and ears for boards of pharmacy, ensuring compliance with pharmacy law and practice standards. In this feature, inspectors reveal what they’ve learned in the field. James E. Kinderknecht, RPh Pharmacy Inspector, Kansas State Board of Pharmacy How long have you been serving as an inspector for the Board? What […]

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No Need to ‘Check Your List Twice’ with CPE Monitor’s Enhanced Features 

Posted by in Pharmacies and Pharmacists, Pharmacy Education and Examinations

People monitoring and tracking their CPE Monitor

For many pharmacists this month, “making a list and checking it twice” applies to more than just holiday gifts. Licenses are set to renew by December 31 in 17 states, meaning many pharmacists are also keeping lists of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) requirements. NABP’s CPE Monitor service can help, and the Plus plan is especially […]

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