What steps does our facility need to take to have a VPP inspection for my Texas Class E-S license?
The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) now requires that all nonresident pharmacies engaging in compounding sterile preparations obtain a Class E-S license to ship these preparations into the state of Texas.
As a component of this requirement, pharmacies must be inspected for compliance with TSBP Rule 291.133. We have been deemed an approved vendor to perform an inspection using the TSBP Class E-S (Nonresident Sterile) Inspection Report Relating to Compounding of Sterile Preparations form. In addition, TSBP recognizes the VPP Sterile Compounding Inspection Form as meeting this requirement. Contact us for more information by emailing inspections@nabp.pharmacy or calling 847/391-4539 and asking to speak to a VPP representative.
NABP Inspection Process
Click to take a closer look at the Verified Pharmacy Program and Supply Chain Inspection process before you apply.