Prepare for the MPJE® with the only practice exam that uses past questions. The Pre-MPJE® is the official practice exam for the MPJE and an affordable study tool. It can be purchased for $75 and taken online, and it gives students a realistic experience to help them prepare for test day.

The practice exam provides a trial run for the MPJE and can help you stay on track. It is recommended for MPJE candidates who may need a refresher on the testing process and question formatting or for those who are taking the exam for the first time. 

40 Exam Questions50 Minute Time LimitPast MPJE QuestionsScore Report
Questions are similar to the MPJE and help you get acclimated to the format of the exam.The practice exam encourages you to work efficiently and simulates MPJE time requirements.*Questions from previous versions of the MPJE provide you with insight into the exam.Receive a total scaled score via email to print for your records.
*The exam is available online and must be completed once started. The exam may be taken once each year per jurisdiction. The cost is $75 per attempt. After you register and pay for the practice exam, you will have 7 days to take the exam. There are no refunds for practice exams. Refer to the NABP Refund Policy for details.

Browser and System Requirements
You will need to have a computer with reliable internet access (wired, high-speed connection preferred) to take the Pre-MPJE. More information can be found in the Support Center.

Colleges of PharmacyPractice Exam Vouchers for Students
It is now easier than ever to assist students in preparing for the MPJE. College of pharmacy may purchase vouchers for the Pre-MPJE in bulk quantity to cover the cost of the practice exam for students.

Learn More >

MPJE and Pre-MPJE Content is Protected Under Law

The MPJE and Pre-MPJE and its contents are the exclusive property of NABP. The MPJE and Pre-MPJE are confidential examinations protected by law, including copyright, and other applicable laws and regulations.

Individuals are expressly prohibited, at all times, from selling, offering, disclosing, making available, transmitting, copying, reproducing, purchasing, receiving, or acquiring without prior written NABP authorization, the MPJE and Pre-MPJE including, without limitation, examination questions, answers, question format, profiles, and scenarios.

If NABP obtains information indicating that an individual is engaged in the prohibited conduct described in this section, NABP, at its sole discretion, may take one or more actions against the individual including, without limitation, placement of a hold on scheduling or sitting for the MPJE, provision of information about the individual’s alleged misconduct to one or more boards of pharmacy or regulatory or law enforcement authorities, or pursuit of administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings or penalties. If NABP obtains information indicating an examination candidate disclosed, published, reproduced, transmitted, received without authorization, or made available any portion of the MPJE and Pre-MPJE as described above, in any form to or from individuals, organizations, study groups, or the like, NABP may take actions against the candidate resulting in but not limited to disqualification from the MPJE program, civil penalties, and/or criminal proceedings.

Before you begin the Pre-MPJE and the MPJE, you will have to read and agree to the terms and conditions of the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) for NABP examinations to proceed with the exam. Learn more about the NDA in the Taking Your Exams section of the Bulletin.

Last Updated: January 1, 2024