Pre-MPJE Exam Voucher Ordering Available for Colleges

It is now easier than ever to assist students in preparing for the MPJE®. College of pharmacy faculty or staff may purchase vouchers for the Pre-MPJE® in bulk quantities to cover the cost of the practice exam for students.

Vouchers are not jurisdiction specific. When your students register using the voucher, they will be required to choose the jurisdiction for which they are testing. If you would like your students to test for a specific jurisdiction, be sure to inform them of this prior to registration.

Prepare Your Students for Exam Day

Dollar symbol showing you will be eligible for transactions

Bulk Pricing 

Convenient Process  
(Proctoring Not Required)  

Star icon symbolizing the eligibility to advertise

Realistic Test Day Practice  

Red icon showing a pen writing on a paper

Previous NAPLEX Questions 

Red icon of document with check mark

Instant Score Report 

Pre-MPJE Voucher Details

How to Purchase Pre-MPJE Vouchers 

Contact us
 to learn more or use the button to log in to begin the ordering process.

The platform for colleges of pharmacy has been updated. This account is different than your original NABP e-Profile Connect account, which will remain active for transcript processing and school reports. If you previously had access through NABP e-Profile Connect to buy voucher codes, you will also have access to the new platform. An email notification was sent to you with instructions to set up your new login. If you did not receive this email, contact for assistance.