A Brief Primer on Test Validity Theory

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

CA validity blox image

This is the first in a series of posts that explores the rigorous process of building NABP’s examinations. First up: Laying the foundation for an exam’s validity through the interpretation and use argument. The validity of an examination, or assessment, is the most fundamental consideration in the development and evaluation of assessments. Validity is the […]

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Rigorous process to set exam passing standard shows it’s more than just a number

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

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In a previous blog post, we noted that the NAPLEX blueprint is changing in 2021 and a standard setting panel was conducted this past summer. The purpose of standard setting is to determine a point along a score scale that classifies individuals into specific proficiency categories. For example, a fourth-grade reading test may be designed […]

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NAPLEX Blueprint Improvements Coming in January 2021

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

image to represent modifying the NAPLEX exam blueprint

The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination® (NAPLEX®) is blossoming with changes, but fear not, these changes are only routine improvements to the exam. Every five years we reevaluate the competency statements using licensure testing best practices. Pursuant to our most recent review, new competency statements will go into effect in January 2021. In November 2019, […]

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That’s Not Cheating…Or Is It?

Posted by in Pharmacy Education and Examinations

image representing examination misconduct

When examining candidates for state licensure eligibility via the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination® (NAPLEX®) and Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination® (MPJE®) or evaluating the knowledge of internationally educated pharmacists through the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination® (FPGEE®), we take exam misconduct seriously. Most of the time, exam misconduct is obvious, but some instances may not […]

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