Meetings & Events

Annual Meeting

121st NABP Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting 2024 Event Thumbnail

May 13-16, 2024

Marriot Harbor Beach Resort 3030 Holiday Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

121st NABP Annual Meeting Join board of pharmacy members and staff for the upcoming 2025 Annual Meeting.

The NABP Annual Meeting, held each year in May, allows member boards to guide the direction of the Association. Stakeholders from the pharmacy profession are also welcome to attend for a deeper understanding of how NABP and the pharmacy regulatory boards work together to protect public health. Attendees will have the opportunity to network, earn CPE, and participate in business sessions.

During the meeting, officers and members of the NABP Executive Committee are elected and resolutions are discussed and voted upon. In addition, when applicable, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws are discussed and voted upon. Attendees can participate in timely educational sessions addressing issues affecting the boards and the regulation of pharmacy practice.


Resolutions are presented, discussed, and voted upon each year at the NABP Annual Meeting. Resolutions formally state the membership’s stance on important issues in pharmacy practice and regulations, and often encourage the Association to take further action. Resolutions may be submitted for consideration by any active member board, district, or committee of the Association.

Use this template when submitting a resolution for consideration at the upcoming Annual Meeting. The NABP Constitution and Bylaws details the resolution submission requirements in Article IV, Section 6, Part (d).

After resolutions are passed at the Annual Meeting, the NABP Executive Committee and staff take action. Resolutions may be moved forward by creating task forces or collaborating with government agencies, health care associations, and other stakeholders in response to the approved resolutions. The NABP president makes committee and task force appointments after the Annual Meeting.

Resolutions from previous Annual Meetings can be found in the News section.

Past Annual Meeting

The 120th Annual Meeting was held in Fort Worth, TX on May 14-17, 2024. Elections were held for the open officer and member positions on the Executive Committee, reports were delivered by officers, members discussed and voted upon resolutions and an amendment to the NABP Bylaws, and award recipients were announced. Visit the News section to access official news releases from this meeting and other past meetings.