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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 110-2-14

Title: Examine Strategies for Preventing and Reacting to Pharmacy Robberies and Thefts

Membership Vote: PASS

WHEREAS, in recent years, there has been an increase in the diversion of controlled substances through armed robberies and internal and external theft from pharmacies; and

WHEREAS, armed robberies have resulted in violent injury and death and continue to pose a significant threat of bodily harm to pharmacy personnel and the public; and

WHEREAS, the illicit use of the stolen controlled substances has resulted in injury and death and continues to pose a significant threat to the public; and

WHEREAS, the risk of armed robberies and thefts is likely to continue to increase due to the national epidemic of prescription drug abuse and current economic conditions, and

WHEREAS, the boards of pharmacy are responsible for establishing minimum criteria for controlling and safeguarding against diversion of drugs and protecting public health and safety;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP convene a task force to review actions taken by member boards to prevent the diversion of controlled substances by armed robberies and internal and external thefts and mitigate potential harm to pharmacy personnel and the public, by recommending amendments to the minimum security standards in the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, if necessary.

(Resolution passed at the NABP 110th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ)