Media Contact
Larissa Doucette
Resolution No. 108-4-12
Title: Drug Shortages
Action: Pass
Whereas, supply shortages of critical, lifesaving prescription medications have increased significantly; and
Whereas, supply shortages of critical, lifesaving prescription medications may increase the potential for counterfeit or adulterated drugs to enter drug distribution channels; and
Whereas, supply shortages of critical, lifesaving prescription medications may increase the potential for unscrupulous pricing and supply activities; and
Whereas, there is a need for greater transparency among all levels of the drug supply chain; and
Whereas, many of these supply shortages are related to the unannounced manufacturers’ discontinuance of single-source supplied medications and not related to drug recall events; and
Whereas, supply shortages of these critical medications is affecting patient care and safety; and
Whereas, patient safety is the primary mission of the state boards of pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP);
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP collaborate with the United States Food and Drug Administration, National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities, and other appropriate stakeholders to pursue means by which to reduce or eliminate supply shortages of critical, lifesaving prescription medications and develop effective mechanisms for managing such shortages when they occur.”
(Resolution passed at the NABP 108th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA)