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Larissa Doucette

Delegates from the member boards of pharmacy adopted 12 resolutions during the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) 108th Annual Meeting, held May 19-22, 2012, in Philadelphia, PA. The resolutions addressed the following:

  • Supporting boards of pharmacy in their efforts to require NABP’s standardized model outpatient prescription container label;
  • NABP reviewing and revising its standards for the Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors® program to define and address virtual manufacturers and wholesale distributors;
  • Educating the public about pharmacist care services and the pharmacist’s role in combating prescription drug misuse and abuse;
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to pursue the means by which to reduce or eliminate supply shortages of critical, lifesaving prescription medications and develop effective mechanisms for managing shortages when they occur;
  • Evaluating international pharmacy educational programs in consideration of mutual recognition;
  • Regulating pharmacy benefit managers;
  • Reviewing prescriber dispensing activities and prescriber drug outlets to determine whether and to what extent such activities should be regulated;
  • Requesting the opinion of Food and Drug Administration regarding the legality of transferring medications from previously dispensed containers to unit dose packaging in long-term care settings;
  • Developing a position statement, model rules, or other appropriate efforts to assist boards of pharmacy in implementing legislatively mandated programs that require the reuse of returned prescription drugs;
  • Developing model regulations and processes for mutual recognition addressing the virtual practice of pharmacy across jurisdictions;
  • Increasing public awareness of health hazards related to the use of prescription drugs in non-health care settings including, but not limited to, the medical spa industry; and
  • A recognition resolution honoring members of the Association who have passed away.

The complete text of the resolutions will be available in the Reports section of the NABP website.

NABP is the independent, international, and impartial Association that assists its state member boards and jurisdictions in developing, implementing, and enforcing uniform standards for the purpose of protecting the public health.