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Larissa Doucette

Delegates from the member boards of pharmacy adopted six resolutions during the 119th National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) Annual Meeting, held in Nashville, TN, on May 10-12, 2023. The resolutions addressed the following:  

  • Point-of-Care Testing and Treatment by Pharmacists. NABP will conduct a survey of the states to gather information on allowances, barriers to access, and requirements for pharmacist participation in point-of-care testing and treatment. If appropriate, NABP will convene a task force to further study the issue and make recommendations to expand and standardize the practice across all jurisdictions.  
  • DSCSA Education and Compliance Assessment. NABP will continue educating its member boards of pharmacy about upcoming requirements of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) and develop tools to assist them. This includes developing an Inspection Blueprint for Wholesale Distributors and Third-Party Logistics Providers and further collaboration with the boards of pharmacy to increase utilization of the interoperability network (Pulse by NABP) by state regulators and other stakeholders.  
  • Increasing Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder. NABP will collaborate with states to expand patient access to buprenorphine by promoting model language that grants pharmacists prescribing authority. NABP will work with Drug Enforcement Administration and any other stakeholders to address stigmas and other potential barriers for patients seeking treatment.  
  • Expanding Pharmacy Technician Seats on State Boards of Pharmacy. NABP will review the impact of, support, encourage, and assist the boards of pharmacy in adding a pharmacy technician board member position to every board of pharmacy.  
  • Creating an Industry Standard for Pharmacy Technician Scope of Practice and Entry-Level Requirements to Support Interstate Portability. NABP will convene a task force to review current state regulations and industry standard recommendations considering the expanded role pharmacy technicians assumed based on the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act and state-specific state of emergency scope allowances. If necessary, NABP will amend the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (Model Act) to ensure that regulations pertaining to pharmacy technicians are aligned. NABP will also encourage the boards of pharmacy to adopt Model Act language pertaining to certified pharmacy technicians and certified pharmacy technician candidates to further support interstate portability.  

Additionally, a recognition resolution honoring members of the Association who have passed away was unanimously approved.  

The complete text of the resolutions will be available in the Reports section on the NABP website.