NABP Testifies at US House Subcommittee Hearing Regarding Support for Federal Legislation to Distinguish Between Compounding and Manufacturing

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NABP expressed its support for federal legislation that would distinguish between compounding and manufacturing, in testimony (PDF) presented at a United States House subcommittee hearing on May 23, 2013. The hearing, “Examining Drug Compounding” was held to provide US Committee on Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee members an opportunity to hear testimony from Food and […]

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Bill To Expand Pharmacists’ Authority to Vaccinate Under Consideration in Pennsylvania Legislature

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Pharmacists in Pennsylvania would be granted authority to vaccinate patients above the age of seven with a parent’s consent under two bills being considered by the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The bills would also allow pharmacy interns to vaccinate under the supervision of a pharmacist. The bills, HB 776 and SB 819, are in the professional licensure […]

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NABP Surveyors to Assist With New Jersey Compounding Pharmacy Inspections Under Contract With the State

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Under a contract with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) and the state’s Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, NABP will assist the Division with inspections of New Jersey pharmacies engaged in the practice of compounding. The planned pharmacy surveys will expand the Division’s already robust inspections of compounding pharmacies. As noted in a […]

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NABP Supports Federal Legislation Creating New Category of Manufacturer Under FDA Oversight, While Maintaining Board of Pharmacy Authority Over Compounding Pharmacies

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In testimony presented at a United States Senate Committee Hearing, NABP expressed its support of draft legislation that would create a new category of manufacturer to include entities that engage in large-scale production of sterile non-patient-specific drugs for distribution. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee’s proposed legislation distinguishes between pharmacies engaged in […]

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Sixth DEA Take-Back Day Collects Over 740,000 Pounds of Unneeded Medication, Helping to Prevent Diversion and Abuse

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The Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) sixth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 27, 2013, collected twice the amount of unneeded and expired medications for safe disposal than the previous DEA take-back event six months ago. The level of consumer participation in the event shows the continued need for a means of safe, legal disposal […]

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Bill to Strengthen Regulation of Compounding Introduced in Maine Legislature

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A bill (LD1315) to strengthen the regulation of compounding pharmacies in Maine was introduced to the state’s legislature. The proposed law would require pharmacies compounding medications to obtain a special license, and would require that all pharmacies dispensing compounded drugs to patients in Maine be licensed by the state. The bill also proposes to change […]

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Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Rates Rising, Attitudes About Stimulant Abuse of Particular Concern

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Teen abuse of prescription drugs has increased, in part driven by teens’ and parents’ attitudes toward stimulant abuse, indicates the latest Partnership Attitude Tracking Study. According to the national study, conducted by the Partnership at, almost one-third of parents report that they believe stimulants such as Ritalin® and Adderall® can improve a child’s academic […]

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Illegal Online Sellers Fuel Global Spread of Fake and Substandard Medications, International Collaboration Key in Response, Reports NABP

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The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) today issued a report emphasizing that the global distribution of counterfeit and substandard medications, fueled by illegal online sellers, demands an international response. As detailed in the Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: April 2013, NABP has partnered with regulatory authorities, […]

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FDA Reports Unsanitary Conditions at Compounding Facilities, Calls for More Regulatory Authority

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FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, reported in a recent FDA blog article that agency inspectors encountered “objectionable conditions” at 30 of the 31 sterile compounding pharmacies they recently examined. Some of the conditions they witnessed included black particles floating in vials of supposedly sterile medicine, rust and mold in clean rooms, and technicians handling […]

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