Rogue Internet Drug Seller Activity Highlights Need for .Pharmacy Domain Public Health Initiative

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Today, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) issued a report underscoring the need for the .Pharmacy Top-Level Domain (TLD) Program as a public health initiative to help consumers distinguish legitimate online pharmacies from rogue online drug sellers. As detailed in the Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: […]

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Proliferation of Rogue Online Drug Sellers Feeds Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic, NABP Reports

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The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) today issued a report highlighting a connection between the proliferation of rogue online drug sellers and the prescription drug abuse epidemic. As detailed in the Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: October 2014, many illegal online drug sellers offer dangerous and […]

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2013 Report of the Task Force on Pharmacy Licensure Standards

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The Task Force on Pharmacy Licensure Standards met October 14-15, 2013, at NABP Headquarters. This task force was established in response to the Executive Committee’s recommendation to explore the possibility of creating a standardized inspection form to assist states with the inspection of resident and nonresident pharmacies. Review of the Task Force Charge Task force members reviewed their charge […]

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2014 Report of the Task Force to Examine Strategies for Preventing and Reacting to Pharmacy Robberies and Thefts

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The Task Force to Examine Strategies for Preventing and Reacting to Pharmacy Robberies and Thefts met October 22-23, 2014, at NABP Headquarters. This task force was established in response to Resolution 110-2-14, Examine Strategies for Preventing and Reacting to Pharmacy Robberies and Thefts, which was passed by the NABP membership at the Association’s 110th Annual […]

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2013-2014 Report of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws Released

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Members Gay Dodson (TX), chair; Lenna Israbian-Jamgochian (MD); Kevin Mitchell (OH); Patricia Smeelink (MI); Joyce Tipton (TX); Gary Dewhirst, Executive Committee liaison. Committee Charge The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws is charged as follows: Article VI — Amendments Section 1. (a) The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall consist of five (5) members appointed annually by […]

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2014 Report of the Task Force on Medication Synchronization

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The Task Force on Medication Synchronization met October 8-9, 2014, at NABP Headquarters. This task force was established in response to the Executive Committee’s recommendation to explore this concept. Review of the Task Force Charge Task force members reviewed their charge and accepted it as follows: Review existing state laws and regulations pertaining to the […]

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2014 Report of the Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse

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The Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse met September 9-10, 2014, at NABP Headquarters. This task force was established in response to the Executive Committee’s recommendation to explore the epidemic of prescription drug abuse and actions that pharmacist can take to curtail this problem. Review of the Task Force Charge Task force members reviewed their […]

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Report of the Task Force on the Regulation of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

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The Task Force on the Regulation of Pharmacy Benefit Managers met October 22-23, 2013, at NABP Headquarters. This task force was established in response to Resolution 109-3-13, Review and Revise the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Regarding Pharmacy Benefit Managers, which was approved by the NABP membership at the Association’s 109th Annual Meeting […]

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Sellers of Unapproved Drugs Proliferate Online, Posing a Serious Threat to Global Public Health, Reports NABP

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The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) today issued a report stressing the continuing global public health threat posed by unapproved drug products distributed via the Internet. As detailed in the Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: October 2013, most rogue online drug sellers reviewed by NABP in […]

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