e-Profile > Two-Step Verification

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What is an authenticator app?

An authenticator app is a secure and convenient way to prove who you are. The verification code is generated from your device, making the authentication process safer for you.

If you choose this method during the two-step verification setup, you will need to download an app first if you do not already have one loaded on your mobile device. Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and OneLogin are just a few of the popular authenticator apps available. We will provide you with a QR Code to enter into the authenticator app. Then, you will enter the codes provided by your authenticator app to link your NABP e-Profile account. This establishes a secure connection between the app and your account. Each time you log in, your authenticator will generate a unique code that you will enter instead of a password. If you choose the setting Remember My Device, you will not be prompted to enter a code for 60 days.