Individual e-Profile Information API

The Individual e-Profile Information API allows access to the personal and contact information in an individual’s e-Profile.

Parties requesting an API key will need to contact our technology department and follow the setup guidelines provided.

The Individual e-Profile Information API provides e-Profile information for an individual profile using the provided parameters.



eProfileIdIntegere-Profile ID of the individual
DOBString(Mandatory) Date of birth of the individual (Format: MM-DD)

Returned Data: Demographics

FirstNameStringFirst name of the person
MiddleNameStringMiddle name of the person
LastNameStringLast name of the person
MaidenNameStringMaiden name of the person
NicknameStringNickname of the person
PrefixStringPrefix of the person
SuffixStringSuffix of the person
GenderStringGender of the person
DOBStringDate of birth of the person (Format: MM-DD)
SSN4StringLast four digits of the person’s social security number
PhoneNumberStringPhone number of the person
eProfileIDIntegere-Profile ID of the person
AddressLine1StringAddress line 1 of the person
AddressLine2StringAddress line 2 of the person
AddressLine3StringAddress line 3 of the person
AddressLine4StringAddress line 4 of the person
CityStringCity of the person
StateStringState of the person
CountryStringCountry of the person
ZipStringZip code of the person
EmailAddressStringE-mail address of the person

Returned Data: Licenses

LicenseTypeStringType of license
LicenseNumberStringLicense number
LicenseStateStringState that issues the license
LicenseIssuerStringAgency that issues the license
DateOfIssueStringIssue date of the license
DateOfExpiryStringExpiration date of the license
LicenseStatusStringStatus of the license
VerifiedDateStringDate when the license was last verified
LastUpdatedDateStringDate when the license was last updated

Returned Data: Education

DegreeReceivedStringDegree the person received
LastDateAttendedStringLast date the person attended school/college
SchoolAttendedStringSchool/College the person attended


Status CodeDescription
200Successful response
400Invalid request
404Person with given e-Profile ID does not exist
409Provided DOB is not a match/e-Profile ID not found
500Error while processing request

Looking for additional assistance?

Contact the Member Relations and Government Affairs team for API requests or incidents.

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