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MPJE Results

Pass or Fail exam results are posted in your NABP e-Profile for the majority of jurisdictions.

If the primary jurisdiction for which you are testing participates in NABP’s online exam result interface, you will receive Pass or Fail exam results within 14 business days after you have taken the exam. 

Candidates who are seeking licensure in the following jurisdictions are required to receive their exam results directly from these jurisdictions:

  • Guam
  • Illinois
  • Minnesota
  • Montana

The posting of a passing result on an examination does not constitute a license to practice pharmacy. Only the boards of pharmacy have the authority to issue a license.

Candidate Performance Report

For a Fail MPJE result, we provide a performance report that gives additional details across the competency areas.

View the MPJE sample candidate performance report to find a breakdown of the information included in your exam results.

Authorization to Share Exam Results

At this time, NABP will also release exam results to the board of pharmacy designated on your MPJE application. Any jurisdictions that you selected for score transfer will also receive the exam results.

Starting May 6, 2024, you will have the option to authorize NABP to share your exam results with your college of pharmacy. During the pre-screen before you start the exam, you will be presented with an opt-in waiver to share your results. Sharing your results with your college of pharmacy is optional but highly encouraged to provide colleges with additional information about class pass rates. Regardless of your exam result, there will be no repercussions on the conference of your degree. 

Passing Rate

Yearly passing rates for each of the United States colleges of pharmacy can be found in the Resources section.