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Larissa Doucette

At the NABP 112th Annual Meeting in May 2016, the membership passed Resolution 112‐1‐16 requesting that NABP conduct a study to review and define the practices of “white bagging” and “brown bagging,” and recommend regulatory language, if necessary, to The Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (Model Act). The “study” design and methodology were framed in the discussions of the Resolutions Committee at the Annual Meeting, as they had not been defined in the actual resolution. The Resolutions Committee determined that a task force to examine these practices was not warranted because of the finite body of knowledge surrounding them and the limited consideration of the practices by boards of pharmacy. In lieu of a task force, the Resolutions Committee proposed that NABP staff research the issue and present the findings to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee decide what, if any, revisions would be made to the Model Act.

The Executive Committee, in approving the implementation of the resolution, directed that NABP staff perform a review of the professional literature, utilize NABPLAW and other sources to determine how state boards of pharmacy have defined and regulated the practices, and develop model language, if appropriate, for the Executive Committee’s consideration.

Download the full report.