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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 112-3-16
Title: Utilization of PMP and Other Data to More Accurately Measure and Report the Scope of Prescription Drug Abuse
Membership Vote: PASS

WHEREAS, prescription drug abuse and illicit drug use remain a public health crisis in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the drug use and abuse crisis has led to an increase in unintentional drug overdose death rates in recent years; and

WHEREAS, a pharmacist, as a member of the health care team, is readily available and plays a major role in preventing drug abuse; and

WHEREAS, prescription monitoring programs (PMPs) are available as a tool for health care providers to use in treating their patients; and

WHEREAS, reports provided by state PMPs to appropriate prescribers and pharmacists assist in the effort to increase best practices and identify opportunities for prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery options; and

WHEREAS, toxicology reports, overdose records, and other similar information are available at the state level but may significantly underreport the number of deaths and injuries;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that NABP encourage PMPs to provide reports and other analytical information to appropriate prescribers, pharmacists, and entities that serve as sources of data impacting the identification and reporting of prescription drug injuries and deaths, such as, but not limited to, coroners’ offices, to help address the prescription drug epidemic and improve patient care.

(Resolution passed at the 112th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.)