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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 112-4-16
Title: Study on Regulations for Pharmacy Technicians to Perform Remote Data Entry
Membership Vote: PASS

WHEREAS, the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (Model Act) supports the provision of pharmacist care outside of a licensed pharmacy in remote locations, such as a home setting, provided that appropriate security and accountability measures are in place; and

WHEREAS, some states have promulgated regulations that allow pharmacy technicians to work remotely, such as home settings, to perform data entry functions provided that appropriate controls are in place;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP conduct a study to examine the emerging practice of allowing pharmacy technicians to perform certain functions remotely, outside of the pharmacy and in home settings, and to recommend, if necessary, amending the Model Act to include appropriate registration, training, security, and provisions that ensure public safety.

(Resolution passed at the 112th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.)