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Larissa Doucette
Resolution No. 108-7-12
Title: Prescriber Dispensing or Prescriber Drug Outlets
Action: Pass
Whereas, state boards of pharmacy have long been, and continue to be, the sole agencies authorized by state legislatures to regulate the dispensing and distribution of drugs into and in the state by registering and licensing dispensers and dispensing drug outlets; and
Whereas, boards of pharmacy have become aware of an increase in prescribing practitioners’ interest in and pursuit of dispensing prescription drugs outside the regulated pharmacy distribution channels; and
Whereas, the dispensing of drugs in the absence of a pharmacist bypasses the long-standing and traditional safeguards of drug dispensing practices routinely provided by the pharmacist and regulated by the state boards of pharmacy, including focusing on appropriate drug product selection, development of lawful procedures for acquisition, record keeping, storage, distribution and disposal of prescription medications, evaluation, confirmation and interpretation of the prescription, drug utilization review, patient counseling, prescriber consultation, and appropriate and necessary interventions, which may put the patient at significant risk of serious health consequences;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) assist the state boards of pharmacy to determine whether and to what extent these prescriber dispensing activities should be regulated or restricted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NABP review and, if necessary, propose amendments to the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to address appropriate regulation of these activities.
(Resolution passed at the NABP 108th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA)