Media Contact
Larissa Doucette
NABP is seeking individuals to serve as item writers for the Pharmacist Assessment for Remediation EvaluationSM (PARESM) and will be accepting letters of interest until September 19, 2012. Pharmacists in all areas of practice, and pharmacist faculty from schools and colleges of pharmacy are encouraged to apply.
The PARE is a multidimensional assessment that the boards of pharmacy may use as an auxiliary tool when making decisions regarding pharmacist practice. The content areas are:
- Medication safety and the practice of pharmacy
- Professional ethics/pharmacist judgment
- Clinical pharmacy
Letters of interest regarding serving as a PARE item writer will be evaluated based on the specific needs of the PARE program. Those who are selected will be invited to attend a workshop to take place November 1-2, 2012, at NABP Headquarters with travel, lodging, and ancillary expenses paid by NABP. Attendees will receive detailed instructions and training describing the item-writing development process and PARE requirements. PARE item writers will then be asked to develop new test items that will be considered for inclusion in PARE.
Interested individuals should e-mail, fax, or mail a letter of interest indicating their current practice/ educational setting, specialties/ certifications, and years of experience, along with a résumé or curriculum vitae. These materials can be sent via e-mail to, via fax to 847/391-4502, or via mail to NABP Executive Director/ Secretary Carmen A. Catizone, 1600 Feehanville Drive, Mount Prospect, IL 60056. For more information about item writing, contact NABP at