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Larissa Doucette

The 2014 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit will bring together clinical experts and governmental policymakers from across the country to focus on ways to make an impact in the fight against prescription drug abuse. The summit, featuring presentations, workshops, educational sessions, and breakout sessions on specific areas related to prescription drug abuse prevention, will take place on April 22 to 24, 2014, in Atlanta, GA. Keynote speakers include, among others, Nora D. Volkow, MD, director, National Institute on Drug Abuse; Michael Botticelli, acting director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy; and Margaret Hamburg, MD, commissioner, FDA. The summit is a national collaboration of professionals from local, state, and federal agencies, business, and academia, and includes experts such as health care providers, substance abuse counselors, law enforcement personnel, as well as state and national regulators, legislators, and policy makers. Online registration is available on the summit website.