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Larissa Doucette

Last week, NABP released its Internet Drug Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal Regulators: July 2016. The report explores the connection between the dangers of rogue internet drug outlets and the risk of overdose from illegally dispensed prescription controlled substances (CS), as well as possibly tainted counterfeit medicines. Over the past eight years, NABP has worked to identify illegally operating websites to keep consumers safe and to try to decrease the overdoses and fatalities related to prescription drug misuse and abuse. Currently, 11,299 online drug outlets that sell prescription medications have been reviewed by NABP, and 95.79% have been classified as Not Recommended given that the websites are selling prescription medications out of compliance with state and federal laws and/or Association patient safety and pharmacy practice standards. For the full report, visit the Not Recommended Online Pharmacies page in the Acquire Safely section of the AWARXE® Prescription Drug Safety website. You can avoid rogue internet drug outlets by buying from websites with a .pharmacy domain name. To see the list of approved entities with registered .pharmacy domain names, visit the Buying Safely section at