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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 110-1-14

Title: Illegal Importation of Prescription Drugs

Membership Vote: PASS

WHEREAS, the legislature for the state of Maine enacted a law allowing residents to obtain prescription drugs from sources outside the United States (US); and

WHEREAS, drugs delivered from pharmacies located outside of the US are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs and, therefore, the safety and efficacy of such drugs have not been reviewed by FDA; and

WHEREAS, pharmacies located within the US must be licensed by their resident state board of pharmacy and, if applicable, by the boards of pharmacy of the states into which they dispense prescription medications, and may only dispense FDA-approved drugs; and

WHEREAS, NABP’s research indicates 97% of the Internet drug outlets appear to be operating in conflict with federal and state pharmacy laws and practice standards, and the World Health Organization estimates that medicines purchased over the Internet from outlets that conceal their actual physical address are counterfeit in over 50% of cases; and

WHEREAS, there is potential for imminent patient harm due to the lack of  regulatory oversight;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP contact the FDA commissioner and respectfully demand that the FDA exercise its enforcement authority and recognize the efforts of the state boards of pharmacy to halt the importation of non-FDA-approved prescription drugs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NABP continue its efforts to educate state policy makers and the public of the danger related to obtaining non-FDA-approved prescription drugs from sources outside of the US due to the lack of federal and state oversight.

(Resolution passed at the NABP 110th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ)