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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 113-3-17
Title: Experiential Learning for Non-US Pharmacists and Students
Action: PASS

WHEREAS, there is an increasing interest in global exchange programs that provide practitioners and pharmacy students opportunities to learn about pharmacy services in the United States and other countries; and

WHEREAS, international students coming to US schools and colleges of pharmacy and practice sites may encounter significant restrictions in their ability to engage in practice­based clinical learning activities due to regulatory and institutional constraints; and

WHEREAS, state boards of pharmacy can play a key role in optimizing the learning experience of such students by requiring that students must always be under the supervision of licensed pharmacists;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP collaborate with stakeholders to examine mechanisms that would allow exchange students and practitioners to participate in clinical learning activities in the US.

(Resolution passed at the 113th Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.)