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Larissa Doucette

Delegates from the member boards of pharmacy adopted nine resolutions during the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) 111th Annual Meeting, held May 16-19, 2015, in New Orleans, LA. The resolutions addressed the following:

  • Collaborating with stakeholders to examine pharmacy technician education to identify potential changes that would support the expanded pharmacy technician role;
  • Developing a best practices guide addressing when pharmacists should access and use prescription monitoring program (PMP) data; NABP encouraging state boards of pharmacy to distribute such a best practices guide to its licensees; and NABP collaborating with stakeholders to facilitate pharmacist access to PMP data in pharmacy workflow;
  • Working with the Federation of State Medical Boards and other prescriber stakeholder groups to educate prescribers about PMPs and encourage adoption of legislation/regulations requiring prescribers to access PMP data prior to issuing a controlled substance prescription to a patient for the first time;
  • Convening a task force to explore the need for all states to grant pharmacists limited prescriptive authority to meet existing and future patient health care needs;
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to develop an informational program to educate the public and other health care professionals about the role of pharmacists;
  • Convening a task force to recommend amendments to the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of State Boards of Pharmacy (Model Act) to assist boards in oversight and regulation of pharmacist care outside the traditional pharmacy setting;
  • Encouraging states to recognize completion of Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education-accredited pre-licensure experience as fulfillment of all preliminary licensure requirements; and
  • Recommending amendments to the Model Act reflecting requirements of the Drug Quality and Security Act as the Title II regulations are promulgated.

Additionally, recognition resolutions honoring members of the Association who have passed away were approved.

The complete text of the resolutions will be available in the Members section of the NABP website at the end of May 2015, and will also be published in the forthcoming Special Annual Meeting Issue of the NABP Newsletter.

NABP is the independent, international, and impartial Association that assists its state member boards and jurisdictions for the purpose of protecting the public health.