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Larissa Doucette
Resolution No: 113-1-17
Title: Best Practices for Veterinary Compounding
Action: PASS
WHEREAS, the compounding of medications for human use is regulated by the state boards of pharmacy through statutes, regulations, and applicable standards such as United States Pharmacopeia Chapters and and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where applicable; and
WHEREAS, pharmacists who oversee or are engaged in the compounding of human products are required to demonstrate competence and engage in continuing education; and
WHEREAS, the scope and regulation of the compounding of animal products differ from the compounding of medications for human use and administration; and
WHEREAS, the Drug Quality Security Act and accompanying guidance documents issued by FDA do not include regulatory guidance for the compounding of animal products;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP commission a task force of stakeholders, which may include FDA, to develop model regulations for the compounding of animal products.
(Resolution passed at the 113th Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.)