Media Contact
Larissa Doucette
Medi-Son Solutions of Norwood, MA, and its sister company, CarePro, in Quincy, MA, have been closed at the order of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy. Following a surprise inspection of Medi-Son on April 2, 2013, the pharmacy was found to be noncompliant with Board regulations, including requirements pertaining to verifying prescriptions, drug inventories, expired medications, and sterile compounding, said one official in an e-mail to The Boston Globe. After Medi-Son continued to operate with the help of Care Pro, the Board voted to suspend the licenses of the managers of both facilities. Hearings regarding the issue began on August 12, and are continuing.
These facilities were inspected as part of ongoing efforts implemented by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick following the multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis linked to contaminated drugs compounded by the New England Compounding Center of Framingham, MA.