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Larissa Doucette

Jeanne D. Waggener, RPh, DPh, presented the Report of the Treasurer during the 112th Annual Meeting.

“Good afternoon. I hope you are finding this year’s meeting to be energizing and educational thus far.

“It is my privilege to serve as Treasurer of NABP and to share with you this report on the Association’s finances. Based on my involvement with other state and national pharmacy organizations, I can say without question that NABP operates in the most transparent manner and provides more information to its members than other organizations, pharmacy and otherwise. I know, based upon my time on the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and serving as its current president, that we are often challenged about the cost and benefit of regulation. More times than not, my Board, and I am sure yours as well, discusses the need to do a better job of explaining what we do and the importance of regulation. ”

Read the full 2016 Report of the Treasurer.