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Larissa Doucette

The 2012-2013 Committee on Constitution and Bylaws met via teleconference on April 10, 2013.

Review of the Committee Charge

Chairperson Dickerhofe reviewed the charge of the committee as stated in the NABP Constitution and Bylaws. No additions or changes were proposed. Therefore, the charge reads as follows:

Article VI – Amendments
Section 1.

(a) The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall consist of five (5) members appointed annually by the President. The President shall designate a Chairman from the Committee members who shall preside at the Committee meetings.

(b) It shall be the duty of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws to review any proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, to suggest changes, if any, to such amendments, and to make a Committee recommendation of “pass,” “not pass,” or “no recommendation” to each such proposed amendment.

View the committee’s recommendations in the full report (PDF).