Ohio Pharmacists May Now Administer MMR Vaccines

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As cases of measles and mumps rise in Ohio, Governor John Kasich signed an emergency order that allows pharmacists to administer the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to patients age 18 or older. In order to administer MMR vaccines, pharmacists must meet training criteria required by rule 4729-5-36 of the Ohio Revised Code, and […]

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Pennsylvania Bill Would Expand the State’s PMP to Include All CS Prescriptions

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Aimed to help fight prescription drug abuse, proposed legislation in Pennsylvania would establish a comprehensive prescription monitoring program (PMP). Currently, the PMP overseen by the state’s attorney general monitors only Schedule II controlled substances (CS). SB 1180, sponsored by Senator Patricia Vance (R-31), would expand the program to include all Schedule II through V CS, […]

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New Requirements for Some Painkiller Prescriptions Help to Lower Addiction Risk, Massachusetts Insurer Reports

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After implementing stricter requirements for certain painkiller prescriptions, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) of Massachusetts, the state’s largest private health insurer, has released the results of an “18-month checkup.” Among the findings, long-acting opioid claims were reduced by 50%, and short-acting opioid claims were reduced by 20%. The policies have helped to avoid excess […]

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Florida House of Representatives Approves Bill to Increase the Number of Pharmacy Technicians a Pharmacist can Oversee

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A bill that would increase the number of pharmacy technicians a pharmacist may supervise has passed the Florida House of Representatives. CS/HB 323 (PDF) would require the Florida Board of Pharmacy to establish rules “under which a licensee who applies to the board for approval may supervise more than three, but not more than six registered […]

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Pharmacy Technicians Must Participate in One Hour of Patient Safety Continuing Education for PTCB Recertification

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As one of several planned changes to the certification program, the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) has announced that certified pharmacy technicians are now required to complete one hour of continuing education (CE) in patient safety. This requirement is in addition to the already required hour of law CE, which must be part of the […]

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Compounding Quality Act Implementation Discussed by State and Federal Officials at Inter-Governmental Meeting

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To identify opportunities to better protect the public health by strengthening oversight of compounding practice and improving federal-state collaboration, an intergovernmental meeting was convened by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on March 20-21, 2014, in Silver Spring, MD. Participants at the meeting, including representatives from the boards of pharmacy, health departments, Centers for Disease Control […]

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Prescription Drug Abuse Workgroup Formed in Senate Health Committee

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With more than 16,000 lives lost each year due to opioid-related overdoses, the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) is establishing a working group to address the national prescription drug abuse epidemic. The bipartisan HELP Committee Prescription Drug Working Group will meet to discuss the challenges of prescription drug abuse, and what […]

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Bill Requiring Coverage of Partial Refills to Support Medication Synchronization Efforts Introduced in Missouri

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Aimed to promote patient care, a Missouri bill would require that health benefit plans reimburse when pharmacies dispense less than a 30-day supply for the purpose of synchronizing a patient’s chronic medications. If passed, the bill (HR 2145) would apply to plans providing prescription drug coverage and would also require reimbursement when “the prescriber or […]

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