Task Force on Workplace Safety and Well-Being (Resolution 117-4-21)
TITLE: Task Force on Workplace Safety and Well-Being
WHEREAS, it has been noted that some pharmacists throughout the country are voicing concerns over pharmacy practice operations, metrics, and workplace safety issues that potentially put patients at risk; and
WHEREAS, some local, state, and national pharmacy associations are addressing system issues, such as pharmacy workplace conditions and expectations that may impact pharmacists’ ability to provide patient care; and
WHEREAS, some state boards of pharmacy are investigating the potential negative effects and/or patient safety risks presented by specific staffing models, metrics, and pharmacy staff workload expectations;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP convene a task force to examine the topic of pharmacy workplace safety and well-being and the effects on patient safety, which will include members with experience overseeing investigative activities related to these topics and other stakeholders to develop suggested guidelines and objective tools that may be used by member state boards of pharmacy.
(Resolution passed at the 117th Annual Meeting.)