Mental Health and Well-Being: Promoting Mental Health for Pharmacy Staff

Understanding the Issue

The recent uptick in resignations among pharmacy staff at all levels and a drop in the enrollment at pharmacy programs and colleges is the beginning of an alarming trend of a shortage of qualified pharmacy personnel at pharmacies that promises to continue. Coupled with a growing list of responsibilities and increased demand and it is no wonder that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are burning out.  

Why Mental Health Matters

These conditions can lead to mistakes that can have potentially life-altering consequences for pharmacy staff and patients. According to data from the Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel (WBI), 31% of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who used the self-assessment tool are atrisk of experiencing high distress. And those who risk experiencing high distress also have a twofold risk of making a medication error. Since the WBI was launched in 2019, more than 10,000 pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists have assessed and reassessed their well-being and stress.

Our Position

We believe that addressing mental health and well-being is a shared responsibility that requires the collective effort of the entire pharmacy community. Working with our member boards of pharmacy and pharmacy associations to promote a healthier pharmacy environment and combat unsafe working conditions, we continue the work of former NABP President Lenora S. Newsome, PD, to create a more resilient and healthier pharmacy workforce.

Stay Informed

To help support pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, we have compiled tools and information that can be used to find help.   

Self-Evaluation Tools


Patient Resources

Pharmacy Personnel Resources

Additional Learning