- How can a registrar confirm whether a potential registrant is accredited by NABP?
- Can an accredited registrant register multiple .pharmacy domain names under a single accreditation? Or does each domain name require its own accreditation?
- What is the maximum registration length of a .pharmacy domain name?
- How long is NABP Healthcare Merchant Accreditation Valid?
- If a registrant had previously registered a .pharmacy domain name for multiple years but is unable to be reaccredited, does the registrant get a refund for those years in which they are unable to maintain or use the domain name?
- What if a registrant has applied for reaccreditation and is unable to get reapproved prior to the expiration of the domain name?
- When will NABP remove the suspension of registrant’s domain name?
- Why has registrant’s domain name been suspended?
- Who is eligible to apply for NABP Accreditation to register a .pharmacy domain name?