Attention: NABP’s e-Profile system will be unavailable due to system maintenance from 7-11 PM CT on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Thank you for your patience.


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1600 Feehanville Drive
Mount Prospect, IL 60056

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Social Media

Customer Engagement

We are happy to provide assistance or more information about our programs and services.

Hours:Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM CT
(Please allow up to 2 business days for all email responses.)
Chat:Click on the chat icon at the bottom right of your screen.
(Chat is available during business hours and may be unavailable during periods of high traffic.)

Tips and Troubleshooting: Get answers to frequently asked questions and more information about our e-Profile, products, programs, and services.

Media Requests

Include your publication, topic, questions, deadline, and contact information to expedite your inquiry or fill out this form.

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Executive Office

Inquiries for NABP’s executive director/secretary and Executive Committee can be submitted via email at