TITLE: Task Force on Medication Reuse

WHEREAS, every year millions of dollars of costly, previously dispensed, or short-dated medications may be thrown away while some uninsured or indigent patients fail to receive lifesaving therapies they need; and

WHEREAS, the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and most states have provisions for the return and reuse of medications and the establishment of repositories or charitable pharmacies specifically for dispensing of donated medications to the uninsured or indigent; and

WHEREAS, some of the current rules regarding return and reuse of medications may still cause usable and potentially lifesaving medications to be thrown away; and

WHEREAS, several states have pursued or established legislation to enable increased usage of previously dispensed or short-dated medications, especially antineoplastic medications;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP convene a task force on medication reuse for the purpose of identifying the best mechanism to enable the transfer of unused medications to persons in need of financial assistance to ensure access to lifesaving therapies.

(Resolution passed at the 116th Annual Meeting.)