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Larissa Doucette

Delegates from the member boards of pharmacy adopted five resolutions during the 116th National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) Annual Meeting, held virtually on May 14, 2020. The resolutions addressed the following:

  • providing guidance to member boards of pharmacy regarding taking disciplinary action against a pharmacy license based solely on observations from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Form 483;
  • consulting with FDA about the legal framework of authorizing manufacturers to ship a biologic containing a patient-specific blood component to a practitioner for administration to the patient, and determining the appropriate level and type of regulatory oversight to recommend to member boards of pharmacy;
  • determining whether and how to incorporate criminal background checks in the NABP
    e-Profile system; and
  • convening a task force on medication reuse for the purpose of identifying the best mechanism to enable the transfer of unused medications to persons in need of financial assistance to ensure access to life-saving therapies.

Additionally, a recognition resolution honoring members of the Association who have passed away was unanimously approved.

The complete text of the resolutions will be available in the Resources section of the NABP website.