TITLE: Task Force on Requirements for Technician Education, Practice Responsibilities, and Competence Assessment

WHEREAS, pharmacist care services are increasingly resulting in positive patient outcomes; and

WHEREAS, a critical component to the provision of pharmacist care services is appropriate and competent support by pharmacy technicians; and

WHEREAS, the state boards of pharmacy, through NABP, assess the competence of individuals seeking licensure as pharmacists to practice pharmacy; and

WHEREAS, the state boards of pharmacy should assess the competence of individuals seeking licensure or registration as pharmacy technicians to assist in the practice of pharmacy;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP convene a task force of interested stakeholders to evaluate the current environment and make recommendations to NABP to ensure a more active role in establishing requirements for the education, practice responsibilities, and competence assessment of pharmacy technicians.

(Resolution passed at the 115th Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.)