TITLE: Cooperative Interstate Registration System

WHEREAS, state boards of pharmacy are charged with protecting the public health as it relates to patient safety, patient health, and patient services provided by pharmacies and pharmacists; and

WHEREAS, the practice of pharmacy has expanded to include dispensing models wherein a single dispensing transaction may extend across state boundaries; and

WHEREAS, states do not always require individual pharmacists who participate in interstate dispensing models to obtain a pharmacist license in each state into which the pharmacist participates in dispensing medications; and

WHEREAS, errors may occur in such interstate transactions where the pharmacist who committed the error is beyond the jurisdiction of the state in which the patient is harmed or potentially harmed; and

WHEREAS, the board of pharmacy in the patient’s resident state is unable to meet its charge to protect the public because it lacks jurisdiction to pursue a remedial action and/or discipline against the offending pharmacist;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP explore developing an interstate registration system to provide for pharmacists’ participation in interstate dispensing models while maintaining boards of pharmacy jurisdiction to initiate possible administrative proceedings to protect the public health.

(Resolution passed at the 114th Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.)