Media Contact
Larissa Doucette
Resolution No: 113-4-17
Title: Task Force on Long-Term Care Pharmacy Rules
Action: PASS
WHEREAS, there is an increase in the practice of long-term care pharmacy due to the aging of the United States population; and
WHEREAS, some state pharmacy laws and regulations have not evolved with this growing practice, including but not limited to the areas of definitions, therapeutic interchange, automation, emergency kits, consultant pharmacists, chart order transmission, delivery, drug take-back, drug destruction, transfer of chart orders, immediate need dose provision, prepackaging, repackaging, and on call or remote services;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP convene a task force that includes appropriate stakeholders to study long-term care pharmacy rules and to review and amend, if necessary, the Model State Pharmacy Act and Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy accordingly.
(Resolution passed at the 113th Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.)