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Larissa Doucette

Resolution No: 112-2-16
Title: Increasing Patient Access to Naloxone Rescue Kits
Membership Vote: PASS

WHEREAS, prescription drug abuse and diversion of controlled substances continue to grow at epidemic proportions in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the prescription drug abuse epidemic has led to increasing unintentional drug overdose death rates in recent years; and

WHEREAS, the pharmacist is a readily accessible member of the health care team and plays a major role in preventing prescription drug abuse; and

WHEREAS, timely administration of naloxone can prevent death in a significant number of overdose incidents;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP encourage states to increase patient access to naloxone rescue kits through the independent prescriptive authority of a pharmacist; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pharmacists dispensing naloxone rescue kits properly train and counsel individuals on how to correctly administer naloxone to an overdose victim; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NABP consider amending the Model State Pharmacy Act and the Model Rules of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to enable pharmacists to independently prescribe and dispense naloxone rescue kits.

(Resolution passed at the 112th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.)