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Larissa Doucette
Resolution No: 111-5-15
Title: Providing Education About the Role of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist Care Services
Membership Vote: PASS
WHEREAS, by 2030 there will be 75 million people over the age of 65, which is a 40% increase over current population; and
WHEREAS, there is a critical shortage of primary care practitioners in the United States; and
WHEREAS, pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals and providers in the community;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP collaborate with interested stakeholders to develop an informational program to educate the public and other health care professionals about the role of pharmacists in the health care continuum and pharmacist care services that are commonly provided, including medication therapy management services, prescription drug use counseling, and the administration of immunizations.
(Resolution passed at the NABP 111th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA)