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Larissa Doucette
The majority of online drug sellers operate illegally and sell counterfeit medications that can contain toxins such as floor wax and road tar, warn NABP and the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP). In a post on Quality Matters, the blog of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), NABP Executive Director Carmen A. Catizone, MS, RPh, DPh, and ASOP Executive Director Libby Baney, JD, explain the proliferation of rogue Internet pharmacies and the many dangers they pose. In the blog post, Catizone and Baney also detail the programs that both organizations launched to raise awareness of these dangers and to steer consumers toward safe online sources of medication. For example, ASOP Global recently launched the #BuySafeRx public awareness campaign to educate on the potential health and financial risks of buying prescription drugs online. NABP shared information about its AWARXE program and how it provides resources for helping the public make safe decisions about the purchase, use, and disposal of medications. Additionally, the blog post provided background on NABP’s new .Pharmacy Top-Level Domain program, which provides consumers around the world with an easy way to identify whether an online pharmacy is operating legally.