TITLE: National Standardized Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination

WHEREAS, not every state board of pharmacy requires pharmacist candidates to take the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination® (MPJE®) for licensure; and

WHEREAS, MPJE item writing and review activities require significant board of pharmacy staff resources; and

WHEREAS, many state-specific laws are similar, if not identical; and

WHEREAS, pharmacists’ knowledge of federal law is important to the practice of pharmacy and for the protection of the public; and

WHEREAS, it may be redundant for pharmacist applicants to sit for multiple MPJEs when transferring licensure across state lines; and

WHEREAS, there is a need to assess competency on federal and state pharmacy laws;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NABP examine the development of a national standardized pharmacy jurisprudence examination for the state boards of pharmacy to assess competence for licensure.

(Resolution passed at the 118th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.)