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Access the latest reports from NABP task forces and committees, explore the position statements and reports centered around pharmacy practice, as well as discover the Rogue Rx Activity Report analyzing the online pharmacy landscape. Many of these reports provide guidance or research on current issues and challenges faced by the boards of pharmacy and pharmacists in their effort to protect patients.

Committee Reports

Authorized by the NABP Constitution and Bylaws, our committees annually perform specific responsibilities that are essential to the success of our programs and procedures. Once a committee has explored its assigned issues, the members submit recommendations to the Executive Committee for consideration. Committee reports from previous years can be found in the News section.

Task Force Reports

NABP convenes task forces to provide guidance on current topics of interest to the state boards of pharmacy. Typically, a task force is appointed to further explore an issue that requires special expertise. These issues often address topics from resolutions that are approved by the membership at the Annual Meeting. After a task force meets, [...]

RogueRx Activity Reports

NABP continuously analyzes the online pharmacy landscape to identify and expose new or developing threats to patient safety. The findings are compiled and published in the RogueRx Activity Report, which is made available, on average, twice a year. Each edition of the RogueRx Activity Report different topic or central theme. Topics are chosen based on [...]

Position Statements and Reports

NABP’s position statements and reports present our stance on a variety of current pharmacy practice issues, including those that affect the scope and well-being of pharmacy personnel; drug distribution; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and patient safety. NABP works with its member boards of pharmacy, and sometimes with other stakeholder organizations, to address important issues facing [...]